Are you a veggie or a do you live a fruitfull life? (multiple answers allowed)

Monday, January 1, 2007

First Post of the rest of my posts

Ok, having blogged for a while in Hyves (somehow not convenient enough for me) and having 'noted' on Skype (very convenient but notes needed to be too short for comfort) and - and this is basically the main reason - realising I don't *have* to post every day, I have decided to start a blog. For whatever it's worth. Think it will be some kind of diary blog (like the Skype notes, but a tad longer. So enjoy. Won't guarantee all (or most) of this will be in English. Tough luck for those who care. So here it is: Is-a-blog!


Dreams said...

Welcome! Fiiiiiinally! :)

Alaedine said...

Hi Isa, hope you have a great 2007, and many more to come !
Your good ol'buddy from Pa.

isa said...

glad y'all found me!! keep in touch!