Are you a veggie or a do you live a fruitfull life? (multiple answers allowed)

Sunday, February 25, 2007


It's Sunday morning 9:30 and the breakfast table is a mess, there are toys scattered all over the living room, and the bath room has basically become one big swimming pool.... It's good to have the kids back! ;-D

Thursday, February 22, 2007


A close friend of my parents has asked me to join him in a project regarding integration here in Almere! It is still not entirely sure the project will actually go through as it will depend on government subsidy, but we have good hopes. The new governement (to be installed today) focuses on these types of themes and even if our provincial elections don't really go the way I hope them to, it shouldn't be a problem. My role will be that of the project and proces manager (who would've ever guessed... :-D), so my lack of knowledge on the subject can be excused. I am printing dozens of pages right now though, because you-know-me: I wouldn't be anything if not well prepared for my first meeting on March 1 :-D I am so excited! To work (particularly with the eminent people also involved - I can learn so much from them!!), to earn money again (and actually be able to spend again without feeling guilty), to put my mind towards something else than my two wonderful kids, to meet people, to network, to... well, to be a working mom!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I am GOOD!

Some days, I can be extremely happy with myself ;-D Today is such a day. I have signed, sealed and delivered the contract between us and our new nanny!! Yes, I know I have written before we had found day care, but being my perfectionist self I couldn't leave well enough alone and went for what everyone told me was impossible. Well, as it turns out, it isn't. Because I have managed to find EXACTLY what I was looking for: a young woman, trained in day care who will take care of Elise and Vincent at our home for four days a week. And she will do some light work around the house releiving us from rush-hour stress in the morning and evening. And, thanks to our new tax laws this is actually somewhat affordable too. Like I said, I am good!

PS: obviously I have known about this for a while, but I dind't want to jinx it by telling you before it was actually totally done. ;-S

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sweet Valentine

My Valentine left me for the ski slopes yesterday.... But from a high Swiss Alps mountain top he did call me today to wish me a Happy Valentine's Day. And he asked me to take a look in our attic: a bottle of bubbly and some beautiful flowers.... *blush* I do love my Valentine...

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Just saw an incredible movie: Shine. Absolutely brilliant! Unfortunately based on a true story - the piano player loses it completely, that's why. Music is absolutely superb! Must get that soundtrack!

Sunday, February 4, 2007


I think not! Mleen posted about the nerd test, so I just had to take the test. My score? They defined the score as follows: "not a nerd, but definitely not hip" That's right, I am a mother, I ain't got time to be either!!! (besides, notice how I can 't even get this dumb picture to be lined up correctly in this post....)I am nerdier than 37% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!