Are you a veggie or a do you live a fruitfull life? (multiple answers allowed)

Thursday, February 22, 2007


A close friend of my parents has asked me to join him in a project regarding integration here in Almere! It is still not entirely sure the project will actually go through as it will depend on government subsidy, but we have good hopes. The new governement (to be installed today) focuses on these types of themes and even if our provincial elections don't really go the way I hope them to, it shouldn't be a problem. My role will be that of the project and proces manager (who would've ever guessed... :-D), so my lack of knowledge on the subject can be excused. I am printing dozens of pages right now though, because you-know-me: I wouldn't be anything if not well prepared for my first meeting on March 1 :-D I am so excited! To work (particularly with the eminent people also involved - I can learn so much from them!!), to earn money again (and actually be able to spend again without feeling guilty), to put my mind towards something else than my two wonderful kids, to meet people, to network, to... well, to be a working mom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Isa,
Het is goed te lezen dat het beter met je gaat. Zeker dat er nu een nanny komt en je weer aan buitenshuis werken denkt, lijken me goede tekenen. Ik hoop alleen dat je niet te hard van stapel loopt, maar daar ben je zelf bij en heb je vast wat extra hulp voor.
Het was erg leuk dat Rob nog even kwam boarden in Morgins....
We moeten weer eens wat afspreken, als je daar zin in hebt!