Are you a veggie or a do you live a fruitfull life? (multiple answers allowed)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

words don't come easy

Vincent is starting to talk and actually knows quite a lot of words alreay, it's just you have to know what he is saying. "A" is apple 'O' is 'op" (finished), e = eten (to eat or food). So no poroblems with the vowels there...!v ;-) But he also knows more: bo/bov = boven (above), doe = douche, ba = bad or bah (yuckk) depending on the context, au is either miauw or actually au (again, context...!), kla = klaar (ready). so basically two syllables is too difficult, but if you know the context, you can actually keep up quite a converstaion with him! ;-)

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