Are you a veggie or a do you live a fruitfull life? (multiple answers allowed)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I am GOOD!

Some days, I can be extremely happy with myself ;-D Today is such a day. I have signed, sealed and delivered the contract between us and our new nanny!! Yes, I know I have written before we had found day care, but being my perfectionist self I couldn't leave well enough alone and went for what everyone told me was impossible. Well, as it turns out, it isn't. Because I have managed to find EXACTLY what I was looking for: a young woman, trained in day care who will take care of Elise and Vincent at our home for four days a week. And she will do some light work around the house releiving us from rush-hour stress in the morning and evening. And, thanks to our new tax laws this is actually somewhat affordable too. Like I said, I am good!

PS: obviously I have known about this for a while, but I dind't want to jinx it by telling you before it was actually totally done. ;-S

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