Are you a veggie or a do you live a fruitfull life? (multiple answers allowed)

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Survived a week!

Survived a week of having the kids around ...! In stead of staying with their foster family every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (1), Elise and Vincent spent a week at home due to a short holiday of their foster family. While Rob helped out whenever he could and spent a few days extra at home, I still had a couple of days with them alone and this stretch of a week was a first. I am tired, fell in somewhat of a coma yesterday afternoon, but I survived!! This is what I call progress ;-)

(1) foster care can be given in several ways: 24 hrs a day for a long period, 24 hrs for a short period (crisis), only weekends, only holidays, a weekend a month or, as in our case, only during the day for a few days a week during a certain period of time (long or short).

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