Are you a veggie or a do you live a fruitfull life? (multiple answers allowed)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Background poll 'Nice"

I'm happy to say, most people (57%) actually did do someting nice.

A while ago, I read a theory (I think someone actually researched and proved this) claiming you will feel happy and live a happy life if every week you do five nice things for someone else. The catch is, it doesn't work if you space them throughout the week, you need to do them all in one day. The good part is, the other person(s) do(es)n't necessarily need to know or realize you are doing something nice for them. Also, they don't need to be 'big' things. So it could just be an extra special hug for your kid, serving your partner's favorite food, complimenting a coworker on a good job, giving someone time to cross the road in front of your car, taking the time to really listen to someone, etc. etc.

I would love to share this theory with you, and I have searched everywhere, but I cannot find it anymore.... When I will, I'll let you know. Until then: be aware of doing five nice things for someone else one day, every week!


Dreams said...

Check your browser's history file? Or the cache? Catch22: you must know about when you read the site, give or take a day or so...

isa said...

that would indeed be helpful *if* I had read it on the internet. However, this was an article in a magazine.... checked various sites, but no luck...